Letter from the former LGBTQA+ Affairs Commissioner of the Ohio U Student Senate
Former LGBTQA+ Affairs Commissioner of the Ohio U Student Senate, Luvina Cooley responds to a recent opinion column written by Danny Murnin.
OPINION: J.K. Rowling isn’t worth your outrage
Opinion writer Danny Murnin writes about the social critique of J.K. Rowling and why the controversy surrounding the famous author may be unwarranted.
OPINION: Game On, Ohio.
Opinion writer Zach Donaldson talks pros and cons of the legalization of sports betting in Ohio post-Super Bowl LVII.
OPINION: Songs to Save America
Opinion writer Mark Harris ranks his top 10 most powerful political songs highlighting social change and cultural movements.
Letter from the League of Women Voters of Athens County
Co-President of the League of Women Voters of Athens County Adriane Mohlenkamp advises Athenians and Ohio U students on how to navigate the recent changes in Ohio’s voting laws.
OPINION: Embrace civility in casual debate
Opinion writer Danny Murnin discusses practicing civility in debate, particularly among people on the left and right of the U.S. political spectrum.
OPINION: As the nation goes, so will Ohio
Opinion writer Julianna Rittenberg discusses newly elected Speaker of the Ohio House, Derek Merrin, and the reflection of Ohio state politics on U.S. federal politics.
OPINION: The Forward Party: Ranked choice voting
District captain for the Forward Party in Ohio House District 94 discusses the electoral benefits of implementing a ranked-choice voting system in the U.S.
OPINION: Who is George Santos? We’ll never really know
George Santos, the representative straight out of Veep, has been caught in several lies over the past six weeks.
OPINION: The 3 social political cohorts of Athens
Mark Harris writes about the sociopolitical relationship between Ohio U students, rural Athens County residents and Athens townies.
OPINION: Eradicate Friday classes at Ohio University
Switching to a four-day class week would dramatically improve the academic experiences of most students at Ohio University.
OPINION: Students’ academic experiences suffer as core classes remain online
Danny Murnin argues Ohio U’s reliance on online classes negatively impacts the student experience and creates a poor learning environment.
OPINION: If you're registered to vote, show up at the polls
As the midterms approach, here is a breakdown of the top issues for youth voters and why this election matters.
OPINION: Why I’m voting for Tanya
Here’s why writer Danny Murnin believes Tanya Conrath’s addition to the November ballot is a win for Ohio voters
OPINION: Let’s bring debate back to campus
Ohio Senate Bill 135 encourages healthy debate among liberals and conservatives at state universities.