Opinion: Rand Paul 'flip-flopping' criticisms off base

Reactions this week from Sen. Rand Paul’s so called “flip-flop” on domestic drone usage is disappointing for Republicans and Libertarians alike. Not even two months ago the younger Paul made national headlines for his 13 hour filibuster on the use of drones within our borders in what turned out to be a brilliant political move and what seemed to be a promising new step for the Republican Party. With Drudge Report headlines likening the Kentucky senator to Hollywood classics and the hashtag #StandWithRand trending worldwide on Twitter, Paul had struck a national chord. Praise even came from unexpected corners of the GOP with fellow Kentucky Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell commending Paul on his efforts from the Senate floor. Then came this week’s quote from Paul on Fox Business Network: “If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and $50 in cas,. I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.” And as if they were watching from a drone themselves waiting for a slip-up of any kind in Paul’s civil liberty-minded armor, conservative media and libertarians alike pounced. “How cute. The politician emerges,” wrote a user on RonPaulForums.com. “RAND LEARNS TO LOVE THE DRONE!” said The Drudge Report as if the unscripted HTML-based site was a proud parent excited over its child’s aggressive transformation.Conveniently ignoring the fact that Paul made the same comparison during his historic filibuster, the fact that certain members from each political faction are willing to stall the first glimmer of change and evolution the Republican Party has seen in many years is truly disappointing. Libertarians are unfortunately most at fault this week. A large percentage of the libertarian population still seems to be confused over how to play politics. One could even define members of the group as political masochists as they seem to find joy in the punishment of defeat as the powerful parties beat down on their progress.Yes, Rand endorsed Mitt Romney and no, Rand has never identified himself as a libertarian (in fact saying back in 2010: “I’m not a libertarian.”), but he is the best chance the libertarians have ever had to grow important aspects of their beliefs on the mainstream level as he has been accepted by the leadership in the GOP as they seem to recognize him and his followers as the future of the party. Or so it seems.The headline mentioned earlier from The Drudge Report, “RAND LEARNS TO LOVE THE DRONE!” is a telling one. Largely recognized as the controlling media voice of conservative America, what Matt Drudge says and does carries a lot of weight. And this “gotchya!” headline is nothing but proof that conservatives don’t understand the importance of the movement Sen. Paul represents within their party.With 2008 Presidential Candidate John McCain spending his time belittling university students interested in freedom, 2012 candidate Mitt Romney being last seen shopping for bed head molding wax in the grooming section of his local Target and former President Bush using his free time on self-portraits of his morning routines, this party needs a voice and a leader interested in more than winning the electoral college. If Rand’s 13 hour filibuster and never-ending support of civil liberties doesn’t prove that he is that leader, who knows what will. As difficult as it may be for the GOP to admit it needs to change and as gut wrenching as it may be for libertarians to not be human drones waiting to eliminate all potential progress over one misspoken statement, those are the steps each need to take. That is, unless Perry/Santorum 2016 seems like a winning option to everyone. How cute. 


Cartoon: 08/25/13


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