Opinion: Secession Scare Tactics

The word secession has entered the vocabulary of Americans again.  No, it’s not for a history class. There are states that have started petitions to secede from the union.  The reason? President Obama was re-elected.  Now that seems like a stretch, but this is not the first time this has happened.  Back in 2004, there were states that wanted to secede and petitioned for it when Former President George W. Bush was re-elected.

This time, however, there is a chance that seven states have a legitimate petition.  On the White House’s website, there is a page titled, “We The People” that allows Americans to file petition on any issue.  Residents from Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama have all filed petitions and have each reached 25,000 signatures, which is when the administration will make a response.Texas alone has over 100,000 signatures.  On the petition, it states, “the United States is suffering from economic troubles stemming from the federal government's failure to reform spending.”  The petition also mentions the Transportation Security Administration and how the agency has abused the rights of Americans. If Texas succeeded, it would affect the nation.  Texas has the 15th largest economy in the world and has a balanced budget.The secession is like people who said that they were going to move to Canada if one candidate was elected.  It just will not happen.  This secession seems more like a way for the people to show that the outcome of the 2012 election was not what they wanted.  However, there have only been five elections where the winner of popular vote did not win the electoral vote.  This push for states to secede from the union is pointless.  It will not happen, just like the people that said they’d move to Canada won’t move.  It is a scare tactic that has been used in the past.  It has not worked before, and it won’t work now.


Cartoon: 11/20/12


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