OPINION: Biden 2024: Let’s do this

Julianna Rittenberg is a sophomore studying political science and an opinion writer for The New Political.

Please note that these views and opinions do not reflect those of The New Political.

Biden announced his bid for reelection on Tuesday. This decision comes after months of wondering if he would be seeking re-election after all. Liberals across the country, especially young liberals, are divided over their feelings about this decision and I am one of them. 

I have reservations in that he is not demographically representative of this country, yet, I believe he has been an effective president. His administration has done a lot of good in the last two and a half years, and I believe if given the chance, a second term for Biden would be good for the country.

In the last two and a half years, the Biden administration has achieved many important accomplishments, both administratively and legislatively:

Think about the alternatives of current and prospective candidates on the Republican side. These include Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. 

We saw the danger Trump can do as president. He has contributed to the destruction of our democracy. He recently became the first president to be indicted. We cannot go down that path again.

Haley has spent her first few months on the campaign trail joining other Republicans in calling for more LGBTQ+ hate and anti-trans legislation. She has called for limiting social security and mandating competency tests for politicians, both unpopular policies. Haley may be staying mostly under the radar, but she is going down the same slippery slope that most of the Republican party seems to be on: proclaiming wokeness as the new battle.

Expected to announce a bid for president, DeSantis has recently spent his time attacking LGBTQ+, and especially transgender, people. When Disney came out in opposition to his Don’t Say Gay bill and evaded DeSantis’s plan to control the land Disney World sits on, DeSantis announced a plan to put a prison near the park. He has spent over a year attacking LGBTQ+ people, demonizing them for just existing. In Florida, the Don’t Say Gay bill has been expanded to K-12. This cannot be the future of America. 

If Democrats care about LGBTQ+ people, they will unite behind Biden. They will vote for Biden, and get their friends and family to vote for Biden. 

Think about what is at stake in this election: abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights and all levels of the courts. There is so much to lose if Democrats do not engage in this election.

Yes, he is old. Yes, it would be great to get new blood. Yes, his administration has done disappointing things. But, he is running and he is the likely Democratic candidate. It is time to remember everything good he has done and unite behind him. Young Democrats and liberals especially need to show support for Biden, if not enthusiasm. We need to show up at the polls and continue our trend of record youth turnout.

Julianna Rittenberg

Julianna Rittenberg is an opinion writer for The New Political. She is a sophomore from Columbus, Ohio studying political science through the Honors Tutorial College. Outside of TNP, she is vice president of OU College Democrats and a member of ACLU-OU. You can connect with her on Twitter @j_ritt02 or by email at jr976320@ohio.edu.


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