Letter from the League of Women Voters of Athens County

The following column is a submitted Letter to the Editor from Adriane Mohlenkamp, Co-President of the League of Women Voters of Athens County.

Please note that the views of this letter do not reflect those of The New Political.

Dear Editor,

The Primary Election is fast approaching.  Early in-person voting and absentee voting begins on Feb. 21, and election day is March 19.  The League of Women Voters of Athens County encourages all voters to get ready for the election!

Our Voter Guide will be available the week of Feb. 19.  Our interactive voter guide will be online at Vote411.org.  This online version lists all races and measures in Athens County.  

Paper copies of the voter guide will be available at the county libraries during the week of Feb. 19.  And a limited version will be posted on our website AthensLeagueofWomenVoters.org.  Both of these versions will list only contested races.

Voters should also be aware that parts of Athens County will be represented by different Ohio House districts following the general election.  Voters will become part of either the 94th State House district or the 95th State House district.

Voters can check their new district online or call the Board of Elections office.  To check online:

  1. Go to VoteOhio.gov.

  2. Select “Look up your voter registration”.

  3. Enter your first and last names, Athens County and press submit.

  4. Click on your name.  Your voter registration information will be displayed, including your new Ohio House district.

Thank you,

Adriane Mohlenkamp

Co-President, League of Women Voters of Athens County


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