Opinion: Judge Gorsuch’s nomination stands to benefit all Americans
President Donald Trump made history last Tuesday when he nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. The nomination was the fulfillment of a major campaign promise and comes as a rousing victory for constitutional originalists.Looking beyond the flashy headlines and fierce (but typical) conservative-versus-liberal debate, we can come to see Gorsuch is a man of outstanding moral character and will make an excellent addition to our nation’s Supreme Court. His commitment to our nation's constitutional ideals and firm stance on limited government is not only refreshing in today’s political atmosphere — in the coming years of the Trump presidency, it may be necessary. Having been confirmed by the Senate unanimously to his previous position on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, Gorsuch is the perfect compromise candidate to fill the former Justice Antonin Scalia’s vacant seat. He possesses not only the respect of many liberal lawmakers and legal experts but even the endorsement of one of President Obama’s top legal advisers. One would be hard pressed to find a candidate more suited to bridging America’s ever growing political divide.His qualifications, too, cannot be called into doubt; having graduated from Harvard Law School and clerked for no less than two former SCOTUS judges, he brings an impressive array of legal expertise to the field.Perhaps the most important part of Gorsuch’s nomination, however, is his new duty to maintain the checks and balances necessary for American democracy. Trump has proven himself no friend of the judiciary, and his unique, bombastic way of interjecting himself into every facet of American life can have serious consequences. Having another cool-headed justice on the Supreme Court to curb executive overreach is perhaps more important now than ever.Given our new president seems to delight more in signing hastily-drafted executive orders than anything else, a strong and independent judiciary will be needed to ensure the rule of law is maintained. His resistance to Chevron deference — in which the judiciary defers to the judgement of federal agencies on matters of federal statutes — is also greatly welcome.For Americans yearning to uphold the original intent of our nation’s constitution, his legal philosophy of originalism is to be celebrated. Millions of anxious citizens can rest easy, knowing that the vacant seat of the late Justice Scalia has been properly filled.As a committed federalist and staunch originalist, there is little doubt Justice Gorsuch will serve his nation well.