Opinion: Ramp-up more competition for the Democratic Nomination

Many are wondering if there will be anyone who will challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016. Democrats look to be truly set on a Clinton race for the White House.The DNC should be blamed for not encouraging more Democratic challengers for the primary. Personally, I am all in for Hillary, but there needs to be some alternative choices for Democrats. The Democratic Party will not benefit from just Clinton running. Competition is a beautiful thing in every occupation across the United States, and that should not stop in politics.Hillary Clinton announced her campaign recently after weeks of speculation. The announcement has sparked many in the Democratic Party to support her and for good reason. How far should support go? The support should not come without political test. There have been some rumors of challengers, the most prominent being Elizabeth Warren and Vice President Joe Biden. Both seem to remain quietly in the political shadows. Warren said in late March she would not be running in 2016. Warren has also showed her signs of support for Clinton in her reasoning for her decision not to run. Many are unsure how true that is, including myself. Warren should run as many support her and find comfort in many of her views. Her views are centered on middle class families. Warren finds helping middle class families and middle class individuals a priority especially in regards to lowering interest rates for student loans and increasing social security benefits.Another potential candidate that should run is Vice President Joe Biden. Biden has been playing tag with the idea of running for some time now and he has not formally made a decision. Biden’s decision to run or not to run will come following the end of the summer as he has publicly stated. A recent CNN poll finds that 69 percent of Democrats support Clinton with only 11 percent supporting Biden. That will play a major role in Biden deciding to run. Although many have supported Clinton, competition will be crucial. Most likely Clinton will not have competition. The longer Biden waits, the more likely it will be that Clinton will run for the Democratic nomination unopposed.The DNC has supported Clinton since her initial announcement. Minutes after her announcement, the DNC sent out an email asking for support, right from the get-go. The DNC sends out email communications to supporters who subscribe very often. However, it is very shocking how quickly the DNC put all of their eggs in one basket. Right after the announcement, the DNC in the same email shared a link to a section of their website devoted to supporting Clinton. That is what has allowed many potential candidates to back off their campaigns. The DNC basically has already nominated Hillary before the votes have even been tallied.Democrats see a solo Clinton campaign as a positive for the party. Liberals find comfort in everyone supporting one individual and rallying behind Clinton. That is fine and dandy, except there will be a lack of motivation in campaigning. Clinton is working to gain moderate American interest just as every candidate on both sides of the political spectrum. There will be a lack of motivation when Clinton knows she can just high step the nomination into the endzone for a Democratic touchdown. More candidates need to come forward. Democrats are uniting behind one candidate because of the large quantity of Republican candidates muddying the 2016 political waters.  They do this when they have five or more possible candidates competing, like politics is a reality TV show. I am not saying there should be five candidates. However, there needs to be at least two to increase motivation. The DNC needs to step up and push more candidates to come forward. It is not very likely to happen but it needs to become a reality. Having a challenger will help prepare Clinton to win debates and help her overcome the mudslinging that will occur when she takes on a Republican primary candidate.


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