Letter: SOS filled with empty promises, Phoenix is the most practical choice
The S.O.S. campaign has asked students to seek the truth in the platforms of the various tickets vying for this year’s Student Senate election. They have run their campaign on the theme that their own platform holds the most attainable goals. I am now certain that they would be an even more ineffective option for students then the current Student Senate. It is obvious that their platform has a complete lack of depth. Let me cite specific evidence.The S.O.S. party has promised to bring back a spring concert for students if elected. When I asked Gabby Bacha how her ticket plans to fund the concert, she told me that a fund exists through Event Services and that they can use to fund the concert.I went to Event Services to investigate this claim and was told that they had no idea what she was talking about. I then went into the Campus Involvement Center office and was told that they were 90% sure that no such fund exists. The Director of Baker told my ticket that the university would never hold such a large amount of money in a “fund” unused. Finally, I asked Vice President Lombardi about this imaginary fund. I was informed that no fund has been sitting unused, and there has never been any large sum of “ongoing” money for this event.Whether the S.O.S. ticket is ignorant to the practicality of the things they promise, or if they are simply lying to students about a popular idea to gain their vote, there is an alarming lack of reliability that comes with their party. Their platform is half filled with empty campaign promises and half filled with policy changes that have no tangible effects on students’ pockets or life on campus. Although the S.O.S. party may agree with my views on certain issues, I have found them to be the least dependable option for students. S.O.S. wants students to seek the truth but forgot to fact check their own ticket. They are clearly the most misguided ticket on the ballot.When I ask you for your vote on election day I consider myself asking for your trust. I am asking you for your belief in me to deliver to you my campaign promises. I believe in the practicality of the things on our platform and we will show students real results for the first time in years if elected. I refuse to be a politician and I refuse to offer students empty political promises. My name is Tony Piccioni and I am running for President on the Phoenix ticket.Tony Piccioni