Letter: Phoenix aims to bring better leadership to Student Senate
There are those who attempt to lead through radical demonstrations. There are those who attempt to lead through calling out those who make radical demonstrations and denouncing their actions. There are those who attempt to lead by seeking personal satisfaction and entitlement. Leadership has to be more than a striking gesture. It has to be more than telling students who is to blame for their problems, and it has to be more significant than seeking power for personal gain. Ohio University students have been poisoned with inadequate leadership within their student government. It is the Student Senate’s responsibility to be the most influential and beneficial organization for students. Without legitimate leadership the Student Senate cannot function, let alone thrive as the representation of the students.The most insidious challenge to solving this leadership dilemma is preventing this epidemic from yet again repeating itself in this year’s election. It is time to evolve from this recent inconsistency in who we elect. We cannot find solutions to our problems by simply criticizing those who lead before us and stating who is to blame. It is time to move forward with new leadership. It is time for student leaders who are genuine, objective, problem solvers, and who actually aim to give students tangible results. We need to move forward with leaders who value practicality. We need a Student Senate ticket composed of student leaders who have spread their influence on our university since they first stepped on campus.We need a ticket that has the transparency and has integrity that is required to lead Student Senate. Student Senate must have a real effect on the students of Ohio University and provide the leadership that they deserve. The old ways are over, and the old leadership’s fifteen minutes is up. We now must rise from the ashes of the past and move forward together.Tony Piccioni (Phoenix)Tony Piccioni is running for Student Senate president for the 2015-2016 academic year on the Phoenix ticket. He is a junior studying finance and sports management.