Opinion: Millennial apathy on the rise

In both the 2008 and 2012 elections, President Barack Obama relied heavily on the millennial generation as a voting and campaigning base. He was very appealing to the youngest generation of Americans with his charismatic speech and promises. He also utilized media to attract young voters. However, the tides have dramatically turned for Obama. The youth that voted for him have now said that they would be in favor of Obama being thrown out of office.

A poll by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics has come to some staggering conclusions. The most startling conclusion is this: “Young Americans hold the president, Congress and the federal government in less esteem almost by the day, and the level of engagement they are having in politics are also on the decline. Millennials are losing touch with government and its programs because they believe government is losing touch with them."

That last statement has been shown on the campus of Ohio University. There are so many students on campus that are unaware or uninformed of political current events. There are only so many students that are studying political science, journalism, international relations, and any other major that could be consider “political.” Just ask around campus. Many students do not care about the economic state, healthcare reform, or even education funding reform.

Some students have said that the actions of the federal government do not affect their day-to-day life. Although there is not an immediate effect of the actions of the federal government, there is always an effect. Millennials have become a generation that is always on the go and that cares only about direct and immediate impact on daily life.

What has the Harvard poll and campus observation proven? Government lacks connection with a fast-paced society. It may be because there are not many young representatives and senators. Many that run for office do not have the “personal” connection to the young generation. Government officials, present and future, need to find a way to incorporate the young generations into the governmental atmosphere. Until then, young voter turnout and political knowledge will continue to be on the decline.



Cartoon: 01/13/14


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