F*ckRapeCulture: Why the F*ck In FRC?

F*ck Rape Culture started out as two neighbors tired of being harassed on OU’s streets, our workplaces, and just about every environment conceivable.  We have received a lot of criticism for calling our organization F*ckRapeCulture. It has been called masculinist, vulgar, distasteful and violent.

The fact that rape is a more colloquially acceptable word than f*ck is part of the problem that is rape culture.

Let's be clear: the word "f*ck" is in our name as a means of garnering attention, but it also captures what we are trying to do. We are trying to f*ck with, f*ck up and generally undermine and eradicate rape culture. When f*ck is not used to relate to sexual activity or desire, it is generally used in this way.

Since early October, this grassroots organization has grown to a core group of 30 people, and supporters in the hundreds. We have received local, regional and even national attention for the work we are doing here in Athens, Ohio.

Not all of the press has been positive, of course. We have been called “feminazis” and “man-haters,” in addition to some unprintable terms. Well-meaning friends have called us too extreme, and the police have told us that the things we wish to see changed won’t happen in our lifetime.

We want to address these charges, but we think our achievements speak most eloquently for the necessity of this group.

In the past few months, we’ve obtained public recognition of amnesty for victims of sexual assault related to underage drinking. We pressured administrators to respond to incidents of sexual misconduct and rape with education and dialogue. We held administrators accountable to ensure that student employees receive sexual harassment training, and we pressured the administration to provide peer-led, consent-based sex education to first year students.

These are our past successes. Some of our ongoing efforts include going to other student groups and organizations, like an honors fraternity and Student Senate, to educate our peers on healthy sex and consent. We continually organize and engage in public protest, and work with other initiatives like Embody Consent and Hollaback! to get out the message that sexual violence is not and should not be considered normal, whether the medium for that message be visual art or ways to hold those who actively perpetuate rape culture accountable. Lastly, we challenge ourselves to keep our friends and ourselves accountable.

If you’d like to help us f*ck with and f*ck up rape culture on our campus and in our community, or if you’d like your organization to go through our consent and bystander intervention education, contact us.

This column was written by Claire Chadwick and Allie Erwin. F*ckRapeCulture meets Wednesdays at 6pm in the LGBT Center in Baker Center. You can reach them at oufckrapeculture@gmail.com .


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