Opinion: Rob Portman Did Not End Gay Marriage Debate

This week, the media made some drastic statements regarding the debate on gay marriage. The press said the debate on gay marriage is over, because Republican Ohio Senator Rob Portman switched his point of view on gay marriage, due to one of his sons coming out. However, the whole debate on gay marriage is not completely over simply because of one Republican’s decision to change. Here is why:The main reason that Portman changed his point of view is because of his son. Put this in perspective: If Portman still kept his point of view on gay marriage, his son would feel inferior or not equal to the rest of his siblings because of his sexual orientation. That would upset the son. Portman, as well as many other politicians, want to come off as family-orientated. If Portman hadn’t changed his stance, the family-oriented man that he portrays himself to be would be shattered.Furthermore, it is just one Republican. One Republican is not going to drastically end the gay marriage debate, as the media has been saying for the past few days. One man is not going to change the entire party platform. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner said, “I believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. And I can’t imagine that position would ever change.” If the Speaker of the House is firm and strong on his belief, what makes the media think that the entire Republican Party will change their view?Think about it: would one expect anything different from a Republican politician whose son is gay? Of course Portman is going to change his point of view. It makes perfect sense. However, his comments on gay marriage are quite interesting: “One way to look at it is that gay couples' desire to marry doesn't amount to a threat but rather a tribute to marriage, and a potential source of renewed strength for the institution."That is a perfect way for a Republican to respond to his political view change. He was not too extreme, but he did defend that he is changing his point of view. He made it clear and precise on why he changed his point of view. For the independents or moderates in the House that are teetering on the debate of gay marriage, learn a lesson from Portman. Just tell the public what the change is. There is no need for it to be dramatic or drawn out. Make your point and see what effects will take place following.The debate is not over. It’s just getting started.


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