Opinion: Soda ban infringes on citizens' rights
Government intervention into the diets of Americans has been extremely prevalent over the past few years. It all started with First Lady Michelle Obama and her push for a healthy America. This made an impact in state legislatures and affected schools across the nation. That intervention into the diets of Americans has finally been put to a halt in New York, where New York Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling denied Mayor Bloomberg’s ban on large soda drinks.The ban says that no establishment is allowed to sell sugary drinks larger than 16 oz. It also states that this ban would only apply to businesses that are “under the auspices of the health department.” The ban, according to Judge Tingling, was “arbitrary and capricious” because of the establishment clause. For example, a chain grocery store would not be affected by the ban because of the regulations; however, a small mom-and-pop business would be greatly impacted. Judge Tingling believes that this issue should be left to city council and state legislators who have never been opposed to addressing this issue in the past. Mayor Bloomberg vowed to appeal and is quite confident that he will win.Government intervention into an American’s diet is out of line and can be considered unconstitutional. Government was instituted to protect the rights that have been bestowed on citizens, and it was instituted to make sure that everyone has these rights. Government was not created to babysit the public. This soda ban that Mayor Bloomberg was trying to instill is pure babysitting. It is understandable that the government is supposed to look out for the general welfare for the people. However, this ban does not do this, because it does not restrict convenience stores from selling these sugary drinks, which allows consumers to continuing purchasing them. So the entire goal of Bloomberg is diminished.Government has no place in the diets of Americans. The government’s job is not to babysit citizens and watch over all the decisions made by the average American. Let Americans make their own choices, and let them suffer the consequences. People learn from their mistakes. Let Americans live their lives without intrusion. Let them be.