AVW Newstime Comedy: Spike in gay teen unplanned adoptions

Across the nation, gay teens have something more to worry about than just the new Lady Gaga CD or what Glee is up to. Gay teens are adopting at younger and younger ages and it is leading to destroyed lives and sassy baby clothes.The Department of Health and Human Resources have reported a 100% spike in gay teen unplanned adoptions since it was first reported last year. This is mainly attributed to new social media apps such as Adoptr and StorkChat making it easier than ever for teens to adopt. Some blame popular TV shows Modern Family and The New Normal for influencing teens to engage in risky behavior and adopt.Within the coverage and debate about the topic, often forgotten are those affected the most, the gay teens themselves. Curtis O’Mally. A 16-year-old Nebraska gay teen father, said, “I thought I was ready, I thought I could handle it. Now I’m thousands of dollars in debt and have a Chinese baby to support.”“Between the baby’s needs and my iTunes account I won’t be able to afford college,” He added.Daniel Greystone, 17, of Boston said, “My boyfriend and I wanted to try new things; we wanted to experiment. So one night we had a little too much to drink and I blacked out. The next thing I know I wake in a delivery room holding hands with a surrogate mother.”Some teens have to face another layer of hardship. “I’m still in the closet; my parents think I’m babysitting.” Said Rmanda Aosenburg; whose name was changed to protect her identity.There is hope out that this spike in unplanned adoptions can be curbed. Beth Ann Clemmons of America Families Good has plans to prevent future adoptions among teens.“We are going across the country talking to high school theater groups and shop classes to inform the teens. We are also sponsoring after-school dances in a safe environments where they can relax, have fun, and be familiarized with adoption laws.”A new after-school special produced by Logo staring RuPaul called Gaybies: Fact or Fetus has met with rave reviews and is doing a great job of informing the public of the crisis.Still, more liberal groups trying to deal with the problem, such as the League For Safe Adoptions, believe that education espousing only an abstinence from adoption is too limited.“Teens need to know that there are ways to protect against unplanned adoptions,” said president Dean Espinosa, “Such as adoption laws. In fact, none of these teens should be legally allowed to adopt. When you look at it, this whole problem really doesn’t make any sense.”Chase Montavon is a struggling adopted father. He wants to know if anyone can take his child off his hands for him. Though he laughs as he says it, as if it were a joke, a glint in his eye says that he would leave if he could. He would if he could. Follow Newstime on Twitter: @AVWNewstime


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