Mayor Patterson on midterm elections, reproductive rights and housing insecurity
The Ohio University Student Senate met on Wednesday night to hear a presentation from Athens Mayor Steve Patterson, where they discussed the upcoming elections, the environment and reproductive rights.
The meeting opened with Patterson conducting a Q&A with members of Student Senate. He first answered questions regarding the upcoming midterm elections in Ohio and offered his advice to Student Senate on how to encourage student participation in the midterms.
Patterson also provided insight on how the City of Athens handles elections in terms of absentee ballots and mail in ballots. He elaborated on how the polls monitor and count said types of ballots due to the fact that 60% of votes in the 2020 midterm came via absentee or mail in.
Next, Patterson went on to address a question regarding reproductive health care in the city of Athens.
“Reproductive health care is a choice whatever that choice looks like,” Patterson said. “Stop messing with 50 years of success.”
Patterson was then asked about his plans to protect and preserve the local ecosystem. He responded by presenting his plans to improve the solar and geothermal power resources in the city of Athens, specifically at the water treatment and waste treatment plants.
The last question that Patterson addressed pertained to the homeless problem in Athens. He followed by presenting his plans to provide funding for projects that would provide rent and mortgage relief for troubled families.
In other news, Student Senate passed several resolutions.
Student Senate voted to appoint Patterson Adjei as Senate Appropriations Commissioner and Brandt Fogwe as Black Affairs Vice Commissioner.
Student Senate passed Resolution 2223-34, that included a permanent allocation of $2,000 to the Students Helping Students program to bolster the program's budget.
Resolution 2223-35 created the General Affairs Committee with hopes to gain clarity internally in matters of appointments.
Student Senate purchased flags to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The resolution included eleven Hispanic Heritage Flags with a total cost of $175.89.
A resolution purchasing food for the Student Senate Alumni brunch was brought forward. The total cost of the resolution came to $123.95.
Student Senate passed a resolution regarding expenses for the Blackburn Spencer Scholarship Pageant. It included equipment for the event, specifically a table, and the total expense came to $180.00.
Student Senate also bought supplies for the Leadership Team. Folders were bought for $14.90.