More than one hundred protesters lined the sidewalk outside of the Athens County courthouse Saturday afternoon. The protest was organized in support of dozens of demonstrations across the country happening in memory of George Floyd, a black man who was by killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis on Monday, May 25, 2020.
Protesters held signs outside of the courthouse in Uptown Athens. Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
Several cars driving down Court Street honked in support of the protest. Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
A protester’s shirt said “Hands up in prayer.” Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
A small group taped signs that read “WHITE SUPREMACY IS THE REAL VIRUS” to several city buildings. Photo by Bo Kuhn.
Three demonstrators held signs on the steps of the courthouse. Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
One protester held a sign that read “If (mask) makes it hard to breathe, imagine being black.” Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
Photo by Bo Kuhn.
Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
A demonstrator held a sign that read “Black lives matter.” Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
Kevin Curry, 32, brought his son. “To show the youngin’ — he’s a mixed kid — the difference between a peaceful one and the one that’s going on in Columbus right now. To open his eyes,” Curry said. Photo by Sarah Donaldson.
After about an hour of demonstrating, the protesters marched around Uptown. Photo by Bo Kuhn.