Ohio U College Democrats host weekend event with other university Democrats
Ohio University College Democrat Executives. Photo by Emily Zeiler.
Ohio University College Democrats held an event over the weekend where 40 students from six universities across the state came to mingle with other college democrats.
The day consisted of speakers mostly from Athens who spoke to attendees about the relationship between College Democrats and their work. Among the speakers were Athens Mayor Steve Patterson and Chris Scott, a member of the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus.
“Basically, the whole day is for College Democrats to connect with others from across the state and learn about different aspects of the political process,” said College Democrats President Meah McCallister.
The event also allowed participants to break up into regional groups to discuss what their respective universities do for students. The discussion consisted of university member retention rates and how College Democrats from different universities run their social media accounts.
The groups also discussed what they planned to do in the future to foster relationships between members. The Ohio Democratic Party members emphasized the importance of voting and the efforts of college students in elections.
“The event was also one of the most sustainable events ever put on by the College Democrats of Ohio,” McCallister said.
To be as sustainable as possible, College Democrats used their funding to provide vegan and vegetarian food for the event. Reusable cups were also provided to cut back on waste.
“I — as well as the rest of the Ohio University College Democrats’ executive board — am very proud of this fact as the climate crisis is one of the most important issues we can focus on,” McCallister concluded.