Student Senate talks election reform, seperating Arts & Sciences senators

Ohio University’s Undergraduate Student Senate met for their weekly general assembly this Wednesday to deliberate adding an additional senator to represent the College of Arts and Sciences and to reform election protocol for spring 2016. Senate also debated the idea of electing an additional senator to represent the College of Arts and Sciences due to the size of the college. While the thought to elect senators to represent both the “bachelor of arts” and the “bachelor of science” exist within the college, multiple representatives made the point that, while appointing an additional senator may prove helpful, they cannot pre-determine the representatives major. Therefore, the assembly was split on the idea.Another topic Student Senate discussed was how to improve the spring 2016 Senate elections, with members arguing for increased regulations for parties running, along with changing the voting process altogether. Representatives also advocated for a re-design of the ticket, as well as a longer campaign period to ensure students have enough time to make informed decisions.Senate will continue to brainstorm about elections in the weeks leading up to spring semester.Also during the meeting, Gwyn Scott, the Associate Vice President of Auxiliaries for OHIO Culinary Services, gave a presentation about innovating the campus dining experience.“Boyd Hall is our last dining hall to be renovated,” she said, displaying pictures of the new-and-improved dining hall. However, she said that come 2016, “we’re going to start refreshing our [other] venues.”OHIO Culinary Services has consulted with a firm in New York City to ensure campus dining halls are up to date on the latest dining trends. They have also hired a dietitian to design and maintain healthy recipies and alternative food availability.In addition, the new Jefferson Market on East Green is set to open in January, 2017. The new market will house an on-campus tea room and demonstration kitchen, ideal for culinary guests and filming opportunities.On October 8 at 5 p.m., Culinary Services will be giving a tour of OU’s Central Kitchen, which will be open to the public.Following Scott’s presentation, the assembly voted to pass resolutions that included budgeting for additional blue books, budgeting for an off-campus event, forming a special committee addressing sexual assault and appointing new delegates to fill recent vacancies.As the meeting drew to a close, President Gabby Bacha announced that former U.S. Senator George Voinovich will be on campus this October for an exclusive interview with WOUB. 


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