New GSS rules to help further define job responsibilities
Graduate Student Senate discussed new rules and procedures for the body. The new rules are part of the legacy that this body is striving to leave behind.
The meeting began, like all other meetings, with roll call. After roll call, the evening’s presentations began where President of Graduate Student Senate Joel Newby presented the new rules and procedures.
Newby has began rewriting the rules and procedures because the old rules and procedures were only eight pages and very similar to the Constitution, according to Newby.
Vice President for Administration and Finance Ed Gaither joked that these new procedures would keep him from losing his hair due to the stress of trying to navigate the old rules and procedures.
The new rules and procedures will encompass 30 pages of better job descriptions, budget process, conduct and discipline, institutional knowledge, traditions, the amendment process, and an appendix.
“The new rules and procedures help people who are predominantly occupied to better learn their job description,” says Newby.
In addition to the New Rules and Procedures the evening’s presentations’ included Andrew Meyers' “Making Cents,” Pamela Walcks' social media report and, Meagan Rinards' Grad Fest.
Meyers gave a compelling prezi (slide show like presentation) about attending a meeting on Nov. 9 in Walter 235 about funding higher education.
Walck shared the results of her social media poll, specifically geared towards graduate students, so far. The poll was generated to see how prevalent GSS is on campus and in graduate student lives. She has gotten over 60 responses and hopes to get even more shortly.
Grad Fest was discussed at length. Grad Fest is a monthly meet up for graduate students.Rinard suggested that better communication and location would further the activity of the event. While nothing is set in stone, it looks like Grad Fest will be at Pig Skin.
GSS had no new resolutions this meeting (but more are coming soon according to Gaither), but again discussed the “theme” for GSS which is “how can the University improve Graduate life?”